2013 Draft EIS public meetings resources

As part of their work to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the TWE Project, BLM/Western hosted 13 public meetings/hearings about their Draft Environmental Impact Statement, announced on July 3, 2013. Meetings were held in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada in August-September. In total, more than 350 people attended the events to allow the public to review the Draft EIS in person, talk to experts and provide comments to BLM/Western for their consideration as they prepare the Final EIS.

This page includes links to relevant Draft EIS information.

TWE Project handouts

Handouts related to the technical and engineering aspects of the TWE Project, along with Who, What, Where, When and Why brochures, were available for the public to review.



TWE Project posters

Posters discussing the project’s construction schedule, direct current technology, and what the typical structures will look like were displayed.

DC Technology

Supplemental TWE Project information


To meet federal agency notice requirements, the federal agencies placed multiple ads in newspapers in the project area about upcoming public meetings/hearings. Ads ran in the Rawlins Daily TimesSaratoga Sun, Henderson Press and other papers all along the proposed and alternative routes.

As the project proponent, TransWest purchased dozens of additional ads in key newspapers to help further publicize the 13 Draft EIS open houses. These ads complemented the official BLM/Western notifications. The following are three example ads:

  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings
  • Draft EIS public meetings

BLM/Western Draft EIS documents

Media contact

Members of the media with inquiries about the TWE Project should contact Kara Choquette, Director of Communications, 303.299.1395

Project benefits

Learn about the significant national strategic benefits the TWE Project is expected to provide.

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In the news

"A number of peer-reviewed studies have documented that the aggregate output of wind and solar plants spread over a large geographic area is much less variable than the output of plants clustered into a small area. Thus, a more robust grid can significantly reduce the cost of integrating wind and solar power with the grid by allowing larger power flows between regions as well as making it possible to access renewable resources from a greater diversity of areas."

- AWEA/SEIA Green Power Superhighways report, February 2009