Carbon County Commission approves TWE Project conditional use permit
Dec. 19, 2018 — After a public hearing and discussion on Dec. 18, the Carbon County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved TransWest Express LLC's application for a conditional use permit for the TransWest Express Transmission Project. |
The permit approval aligned with the outcome from the Carbon County Planning & Zoning Commission, which voted unanimously Nov. 5 to recommend approval of the permit application to the Carbon County Commission. The Commissioners' final approval follows Sweetwater County's Dec. 5 issuance of the necessary local zoning permit for the TWE Project, following the land use department's review of TransWest's separate application there. |
About 92 miles of the TWE Project are in Wyoming, with 55 miles in Carbon County and 37 miles in Sweetwater County. TransWest is developing this transmission project in a responsible way that avoids, minimizes and mitigates potential impacts to wildlife and the environment, including implementing multiple science-based conservation measures, using designated energy corridors as much as practical, and co-locating the project with other linear infrastructure where feasible. |
From 2008 to 2016, the TWE Project was extensively analyzed in an Environmental Impact Statement, prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Western Area Power Administration as joint lead federal agencies. Public scoping was held in early 2011, and the Final EIS was released in 2015. The BLM Record of Decision was issued in December 2016, and the WAPA Record of Decision was issued in January 2017. |
With the key Wyoming local permits secured, TransWest plans to file its state permit application with the Wyoming Industrial Siting Division in January 2019. |
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