Critical grid infrastructure to connect the West
By the numbers
- 732 miles of high-voltage transmission infrastructure consisting of two systems: a 3,000 MW direct current (DC) segment with terminals near Sinclair, Wyo., and Delta, Utah; and a 1,500 MW alternating current (AC) segment from the Utah terminal to southern Nevada.
- $3 billion estimated cost
- Three planning regions in the WECC connected by this interregional system
Project updates
- May 6, 2024: TWE Project construction underway for 2024
EIS websites
BLM and WAPA are joint lead agencies that prepared an Environmental Impact Statement for the TWE Project. USFS was a cooperating agency. Each federal agency has an EIS-related site:
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Federal focus
Federal "Rapid Response Team for Transmission" selects TWE Project
• See Permitting Dashboard page
In the news
"A robust transmission grid provides consumers with access to lower-cost electricity. On a severely constrained transmission grid… consumers are forced to rely on local power plants even though plants in other regions can produce power more efficiently and at lower cost."
- AWEA/SEIA Green Power Superhighways report, February 2009